Eagles Football Academy
Eagles Football Academy
The Academy of Future Champions
Eagles Football Academy
Eagles Football Academy
The Academy of Future Champions
Eagles Football Academy
Eagles Football Academy
The Academy of Future Champions

Eagles Football Academy Vision

Gabriel Dumitru

Gabriel Dumitru

Founder “Eagles Football Academy was born from my passion for football. On the 1st of June, the international child day, on a sunny day in London I had my first coaching session with 7 children. Out of them, 3 are still part of the academy among another 150. Iniatally the academy was only for romanian kids, but the eagles spirit is for all the children around the world, so now we have kids from other countries as well. We have two training grounds, in the north and east of London, several specialised trainers and several won competitions. Our goal is that these kids will become professional athletes that will be a positive example for the future children. This is my goal, to create great footballers, but not only that, great people too, as sport changes us. In the end I just want all of them to smile back on the Eagles Academy days as they think back.”


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Our Story

Here lay our first steps as future footballers
October 2014
April 1st 2015
June 2015
Early 2016
Mid 2018