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Month: December 2020

Ovidiu Magdici, MVP! EFA U15-16 vs. FC United 3-5

Ovidiu Magdici, MVP! EFA U15-16 vs. FC United 3-5

Eagles goalscorers: Adrian Raicu, Denis Huluba, Ovidiu Magici “EFA Best Player” Award: Ovidiu Magdici It was a tough match against the team that’s 4th in the London Premier Youth League standings. Coach Gabriel Dumitru said, after the game: “It was a good game, technically and tactically. We had a great first half, with many well constructed attacking plays and finishing shots. It was 2-2 at half-time, but unfortunately we lost because of two refereeing decisions. I encoureged the players to…

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EFA U11-12 vs. Lens Academy London 1-2

EFA U11-12 vs. Lens Academy London 1-2

Great performance from Tomasso Sandulianu, the best player from Eagles Football Academy, in the game lost against Lens. It was a surprising defeat for our young eagles, but the EFA U11-12 team remains 4th in the London Premier Youth League standings. We surely need to work more on our defensive play, but our passing and possession game is of good quality. GO EAGLES! EFA U11-12 vs. Lens Academy London 1-2 A fost încă un meci excelent făcut de Tomasso Sanduliano,…

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Saved the best for last! We won both games played by the EFA U9 team

Saved the best for last! We won both games played by the EFA U9 team

Saved the best for last! We won both games played by the EFA U9 team in the previous matchday of the London Premier Youth League. The star of the weekend was once again Norbert Stănescu, who managed to score in both games. Obviously, coach Mihai Cîrciumaru was pleased with the performances and he congratulated his young players for the results. Well done! Două victorii în două meciuri pentru echipa U9 de la Eagles Football Academy Am păstrat ce e mai…

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Merry Christmas, on behalf of the staff at Eagles Football Academy!

Merry Christmas, on behalf of the staff at Eagles Football Academy!

Crăciun fericit, din partea Eagles Football Academy! La final de 2020, echipa Eagles Football Academy vă urează un An Nou cât mai bun, plin de împliniri, cu sănătate, zâmbete și pace în suflete. Vă dorim să fiți mereu bucuroși și să prețuiți momentele petrecute alături de cei dragi! Tuturor celor care ne-au rămas alături în acest an foarte dificil – vă MULȚUMIM din suflet. Fără voi, misiunea Eagles ar fi imposibilă, așa că suntem recunoscători și onorați să vă avem…

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Santa visited the Eagles Football Academy and gave presents to the players!

Santa visited the Eagles Football Academy and gave presents to the players!

Moș Crăciun a vizitat Academia Eagles! Jucătorii au primit cadouri la final de an Ca în fiecare an, Moș Crăciun a vizitat cu marea bucurie toți copiii de la Eagles Football Academy! În cadrul unui eveniment special, cu momente distractive, micuții “vulturi” au primit cadouri și au fost felicitați de antrenorii lor pentru munca depusă în acest sezon. Sperăm să avem parte de un 2021 și mai bun, dar, până atunci, cei mici se pot bucura de surprizele primite din…

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