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Month: March 2021

How we miss the beautiful game! Football is all we have in mind

How we miss the beautiful game! Football is all we have in mind

Remember the rush of the matchday? Here you can see some classic images from an U16 match played by Eagles in the Challenge Cup, a few years ago. Better equipped tactically and physically, our team proved to be better, much to the delight of coach Gabriel Dumitru. At half-time, he gave new instructions to his players and that showed quickly in the second half. Eagles scored with a beautiful shot from distance and the young eagles celebrated alongside the fans…

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Not long until we’ll be back to group training sessions at Eagles Football Academy!

Not long until we’ll be back to group training sessions at Eagles Football Academy!

The children are eager and anxious to come back on the pitch, after the long pandemic break. It’s normal that they feel these emotions and the coaches feel them too: we all love football and we’re looking forward to come back in the dressing room and tie our shoe laces. For the younger groups at Eagles, this break was a bit harder to explain. After all, how do you tell a 7 year old boy that he can’t go out…

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We asked our young players WHY they want to become professionals

We asked our young players WHY they want to become professionals

Află DE CE își doresc copiii să devină fotbaliști profesioniști I-am întrebat pe micii noștri vulturi DE CE își doresc să fie fotbaliști profesioniști și care este obiectivul lor pe termen lung. În funcție de vârstă, copiii au răspuns…ca niște staruri adevărate! Am ales câteva dintre răspunsuri, pe care le puteți citi mai jos. Așa vă puteți face o idee despre ceea ce înseamnă, cu adevărat, visul de a fi fotbalist. La Eagles Football Academy trecem prin toții pașii necesari…

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Free to join the Academy, starting the 29th of March!

Free to join the Academy, starting the 29th of March!

You already know we want as many champions as possible in our squad! Therefore, participation at the Eagles Football Academy training sessions has become FREE OF CHARGE for the first 4 months, for all the 5 y.o. and 6 y.o that join the club starting with the 29th of March 2021. It’s a unique opportunity for the parents who want to make their way in the world of professional football. Come with your young champion at one of our training…

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Welcome back, Mister!

Welcome back, Mister!

We’re happy to have our General Manager from Eagles Football Academy, Gabriel Dumitru, back on the pitch. In the past few weeks, he oversaw the activity of the Academy from distance, because underwent a complicated surgery on his knee. Happily, the procedure was a success and our coach is now back at work, with a huge appetite for football! Welcome back, Mister, we’re glad you’re healthy and that you’re once again with us at the training ground! Bine ai revenit,…

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How can you be effective with your hydration levels?

How can you be effective with your hydration levels?

Replacing fluids during football training is vital in reaching maximum physical performance. But how can you be effective with your hydration levels? Learn it from @TheCoachingManual! Înlocuirea fluidelor în timpul antrenamentelor este vitală pentru jucători Înlocuirea fluidelor în timpul antrenamentelor este vitală pentru obținerea peformanței fizice maxime! Tocmai de aceea este indicat ca tinerii jucători să se obișnuiască de mici cu hidratarea. Deși nu sunt recomandate pentru consum zilnic în cantități mari, băuturile energizante pot fi utile în timpul antrenamentelor…

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