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Month: March 2019

Moneygram, one of the largest money transfer companies in the world, alongside the Eagles Football Academy

Moneygram, one of the largest money transfer companies in the world, alongside the Eagles Football Academy

  We are happy that Moneygram, the world leader in money transfers was with us in the season 2018-2019 . We hope to work as well in the future. Moneygram, una dintre cele mai mari companii de transfer bani din lume, alături de Eagles Football AcademySuntem bucuroși că în sezonul 2018-2019 am avut alături de noi, ca sponsor, compania Moneygram, lider mondial al transferurilor de bani. Sperăm să colaborăm la fel de bine și pe viitor.  

VIDEO – Eagles Football Academy’s Executive Manager, Antonio Dumitru, presented our project to the Romanians in Madrid

VIDEO – Eagles Football Academy’s Executive Manager, Antonio Dumitru, presented our project to the Romanians in Madrid

Eagles Football Academy’s Executive Manager, Antonio Dumitru, presented our project to the Romanians in Madrid, which we want to implement in Spain. Thus, Romanians in Spain who want their children to perform as well as those in London, together with Eagles, have learned about training, but also about the achievements of our academy in only five years since its foundation: several titles champions of the league, semifinals and cup finals in England, winning the Challenge Trophy Cup, the tournaments we…

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Legendarul portar Helmut Duckadam, președinte de onoare al Eagles Football Academy Londra: „Am văzut ce se întâmplă la Londra și am spus da”

Legendarul portar Helmut Duckadam, președinte de onoare al Eagles Football Academy Londra: „Am văzut ce se întâmplă la Londra și am spus da”

Legendarul portar al echipei Steaua București, Helmut Duckadam a fost desemnat președintele de onoare al Eagles Football Academy, școala de fotbal fondată de fostul fotbalist român Gabi Dumitru, în Londra, în anul 2014. În numai patru ani, Eagles Football Academy a reușit să ajungă la un număr de peste 160 de copii care se antrenează în cele două școli deschise în nordul și în estul Londrei. În doar patru ani, academia a obținut rezultate notabile în fotbalul juvenil englez. Astfel,…

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Eagles Football Academy deschide filială în Spania, la Madrid

Eagles Football Academy deschide filială în Spania, la Madrid

Together with the Honorary President of the Eagles Football Academy, Helmut Duckadam, we presented the Eagles Football Academy project to the Romanian community in Madrid. It was just a first meeting where we talked with the Romanians who decided to give us their confidence about the development of our academy in London and about how we want to move the project further into the communities in other countries. Other discussions and meetings will follow until autumn when we hope to…

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