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Month: November 2020

This is the way a player from Eagles Football Academy can reach the top

This is the way a player from Eagles Football Academy can reach the top

Traseul glorios pe care îl poate urma un jucător de la Eagles Football Academy Eagles Football Academy susține toți tinerii români care joacă în Anglia, pentru că avem foarte mulți fotbaliști talentați în Regat! Cătălin Cîrjan (Arsenal U21) este unul dintre ei. La 17 ani, mijlocașul se antrenează deja cu Ozil, Lacazette, Aubameyang și restul vedetelor “tunarilor”. Ieri a marcat și primul său gol în EFL Trophy, pe terenul lui Gillingham (1-1, 2-1 d.l.d.), unde a înscris și penalty-ul decisiv…

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Big win for our boys! Eagles Football Academy – Young Stars 2-0, in the ELE League

Big win for our boys! Eagles Football Academy – Young Stars 2-0, in the ELE League

Our Eagles Football Academy U12 emerged victorious from the match against Young Stars, in the last matchday of the ELE League. We won 2-0 after a great collective effort! “The team stood out”, said the coach of our young eagles, who made a brief analysis of our performance: “We faced a tough opponent, a very athletic and strong team, that was well organized on the pitch. We had to fight their aggresive play, but we were technically superior and that…

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Training from home with the young players of Eagles Football Academy

Training from home with the young players of Eagles Football Academy

Football as we knew it changed during the pandemic. Because of the abrupt stop to the official competitions, the whole training plan for pros around the world required adjustments. But true champions never hide behind excuses and circumstances! “The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings” – Kakuzo Okakura They work tirelessly to improve and to overcome all difficulties. Such is the case of our young stars at Eagles Football Academy, like Sofian Tintas, Narcis Boncan…

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Happy birthday, captain! Filip Moscaliuc, star of the day at Eagles Football Academy

Happy birthday, captain! Filip Moscaliuc, star of the day at Eagles Football Academy

La mulți ani, căpitane! Filip Moscaliuc, sărbătoritul zilei la Eagles Football Academy Astăzi îl celebrăm cu bucurie pe Filip Moscaliuc, liderul echipei Eagles Football Academy U9 – Red! Născut pe 13 noiembrie, fundașul nostru și-a petrecut aniversarea de 9 ani așa cum îi stă bine unui campion: cu gândul la fotbal. Suntem mândri de progresul lui Filip, care are toate atuurile pentru a ajunge un mare jucător, sub comanda antrenorului Sorin Dinu. Pe această cale îl felicităm și îi urăm…

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Tips for individual training, from Eagles Football Academy coach Adrian Sălăgeanu

Tips for individual training, from Eagles Football Academy coach Adrian Sălăgeanu

With some youth football leagues on pause at the moment, the players from Eagles Football Academy are staying fit through individual training sessions, organized outside, under the guidance of our staff. Coach Adrian Sălăgeanu has a few tips for our young athletes, to keep their physical shape intact. There are numerous ways to exercise safely during quarantine. – run, bike or play outside – work on your skills independently – use videos online for guidance – have a daily stretching…

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Study case at Eagles Football Academy: training guideline for young goalkeepers

Study case at Eagles Football Academy: training guideline for young goalkeepers

In football, the importance of the goalkeeper cannot be overstated. This is why Eagles Football Academy recruited an experienced goalkeeper coach, Mihai Stefan Rotar, who already started working with the players from all our age groups. The goalkeeper’s performance can be the deciding factor in many victories (and many defeats). So this is an essential guideline for a good goalkeeper training! A major objective for youth goalkeeper training is for the players to execute the movement sequences involved in goalkeeping…

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