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Month: October 2020

Eagles Football Academy won a friendly tournament! 3 wins in 3 matches

Eagles Football Academy won a friendly tournament! 3 wins in 3 matches

Congratulations to all the players involved! The team coached by Adrian Sălăgeanu managed three wins in three games without conceding a goal, being the worthy winner of the trophy. Amongst the best players of our squad were Marian Ionici, Nicolas Vătafu, Emilian Sfichi and Gabriel Adesanya. In the final, Eagles won 2-0 against White Star, where our team effort made the difference. Here is the list of results and goalscorers: QF: Eagles – Soccersolution 3-0 Goals: Marian Ionici, Gabriel Adesanya,…

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Player Of The Tournament – Gabriel Adesanya, from Eagles Football Academy

Player Of The Tournament – Gabriel Adesanya, from Eagles Football Academy

With 3 wins in as many matches during the tournement, it’s not a surprise that Eagles Football Academy provided the best player of the competition! The trophy was awarded to Gabriel Adesanya, who scored in two of games. Coach Adrian Sălăgeanu was very happy with the team effort and was the first to congratulate Gabriel for his top performance: “It was a great tournament, in which our players showed determination and willingness to compete. They were very focused on developing…

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The match analysis, provided by manager Gabriel Dumitru: “We saw progress”

The match analysis, provided by manager Gabriel Dumitru: “We saw progress”

Alongside Adrian Sălăgeanu, the GM witnessed a solid display from our U11-12 team, in a 2-2 draw against Pantera FC. Against a Top 3 side, the Eagles pulled off a good result, altough our team was led after a slow start. Gabriel Dumitru said: “It was a match against a great opponent, that has a veey good chemistry, with a solid game in all areas of the pitch”. “We were lead 0-1, but we came back and took the lead…

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Man Of The Match for Eagles U13-14: Emilian Sfichi. Congratulations!

Man Of The Match for Eagles U13-14: Emilian Sfichi. Congratulations!

Eagles U13-14 vs. White Star Academy 2-5 Omul meciului pentru Eagles U13-14: Emilian Sfichi. Felicitari! Eagles U13-14 vs. White Star Academy 2-5 Echipa noastra a pierdut un duel spectaculos din cadrul London Premier Youth League Showcase, astfel ca micii “vulturi” raman cu doar trei puncte in clasament. Partida cu liderul diviziei a fost una deosebit de dificila pentru elevii lui Adrian Salageanu, iar calitatea adversarului si-a spus cuvantul in cele din urma. White Star Academy are punctaj maxim si “a…

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First win of the season for the Eagles U15-16 team: 3-0 against White Star

First win of the season for the Eagles U15-16 team: 3-0 against White Star

First win of the season for the Eagles U15-16 team, in the London Premier Youth League Showcase! A 3-0 victory that was very well deserved . Last weekend, the team supervised by George Huluba and Paul Grigoraș was on top of its game against White Star Academy. The opposing team had a big delay before the kick-off, so the result was awarded to Eagles Football Academy. However, in the 20 minutes that were played, our team showed excellent skill, with…

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Congratulations to our Man Of The Match, Marian Ionici! He scored a brace on Saturday

Congratulations to our Man Of The Match, Marian Ionici! He scored a brace on Saturday

Congratulations to our Man Of The Match, Marian Ionici! He scored two goals in the draw against Pantera FC (2-2). The match analysis was provided by coach Gabriel Dumitru. Alongside Adrian Sălăgeanu, the GM witnessed a solid display from our U11-12 team, in a 2-2 draw against Pantera FC. Against a Top 3 side, the Eagles pulled off a good result, altough our team was led after a slow start. Gabriel Dumitru said: “It was a match against a great…

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