
Important announcement for the parents at Eagles Football Academy

Important announcement for the parents at Eagles Football Academy

Dear parents, As you all know, we are fast approaching the end of a difficult sports and school year, in which the activity of the Eagles Academy and the children’s school year has been affected by the pandemic. But this hasn’t stopped us from training and playing games, when we had this opportunity. The schedule for the next period: JULY 23 – start of the vacation SEPTEMBER 6 – resumption of training, with preparation of the new competitive season In…

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EFA U7 vs. CM FA White 4-5

EFA U7 vs. CM FA White 4-5

Match interview with the coach: “It wasn’t a good day in terms of the result, but the performance of our players showed dedication and eagerness to fight until the end and never give up!” EFA U7 vs. CM FA White 4-5 Interviu la finalul partidei, cu antrenorul echipei: “Nu a fost un rezultat bun, dar prestația jucătorilor mi-a plăcut, fiindcă cei mici au arătat determinare și spirit de luptă până la final!”

Eagles Football Academy U9 North players finished 3rd in the league

Eagles Football Academy U9 North players finished 3rd in the league

Our Eagles Football Academy U9 North players finished 3rd in the London Premier Youth League, at the end of another entertaining season. Last weekend, the players coached by Mihai Cîrciumaru played a friendly tournament against their friends at Eagles Football Academy U9 East and also against Soccerlution. In the first game, the EFA U9 North team won against the Eastern “eagles”, 2-1, thanks to the goals scored by Edi Voinea and David Bura. In the second match, Eagles came out…

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Player profile: Robert Papalau (EFA U16-18)

Player profile: Robert Papalau (EFA U16-18)

Profil de jucător: Robert Papalau (EFA U16-18) Unul dintre tinerii noștri de mare perspectivă, care a călătorit cu lotul Eagles Football Academy în stagiul de pregătire de la Craiova, este mijlocașul ofensiv Robert Papalau. El este unul dintre oamenii de bază ai echipei EFA U16-18, iar managerul general Gabriel Dumitru are mare încredere în abilitățile sale: “Poate acoperi banda stânga, ca fundaș sau mijlocaș, dar se simte mai bine în rol ofensiv. Are execuții explozive și caractersitici fizice care-l recomandă…

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Player profile: Sofian Tintas (EFA U16-18)

Player profile: Sofian Tintas (EFA U16-18)

Profil de jucător: Sofian Tintas (EFA U16-18) La Eagles Football Academy activează jucători intrați deja în circuitul echipei naționale a României. Sofian Tintas este unul dintre aceștia, iar antrenamentele specifice pe care mijlocașul nostru le efectuează la Londra l-au ajutat să-și dezvolte abilitățile și talentul nativ. Antrenorul Gabriel Dumitru i-a făcut portretul tânărului nostru “vultur”: “Este un jucător de zonă centrală care poate juca în orice sistem ofensiv. Are un foarte bun control al mingii, e abil și inteligent, iar…

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Player profile: Paul Solomon (EFA U16-18)

Player profile: Paul Solomon (EFA U16-18)

Our Eagles Football Acadmey U16-18 wouldn’t be the same without its “angel in the posts”. Meet Paul Solomon! Born in 2004, Paul is the strong point in our defence and his reflexes and saves are always decisive in establishing the final results of the matches. His defenders trust him, our staff trusts him, and GM Gabriel Dumitru made a short description of his overall qualities! Profil de jucător: Paul Solomon (EFA U16-18) Echipa noastra Eagles Football Academy U16-18 nu ar…

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