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The Holiday of Eagles Football Academy Kids Through Fairytale Places in Romania

The Holiday of Eagles Football Academy Kids Through Fairytale Places in Romania

Children from Eagles Football Academy had a dream trip to Romania, funded by the “Development of Education and Promotion of Romanian Sport” project. From October 22-29, they toured Bucharest, Dino Park, Bran Castle, Dâmbovicioara Cave, Peleș Castle, and Brașov Fortress, enjoying local history and landscapes.

Raul Solomon, man of the match for Eagles

Raul Solomon, man of the match for Eagles

Raul Solomon, jucătorul meciului în partida EFA U11-12 vs. New Generation “Este un fotbalist cu potențial uriaș. Inteligent, bun jucător pe spații mici, face foarte bine legătura dintre apărare și atac, bun dribleur și excelent pasator” – Gabriel Dumitru. Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei brățări. Există ceva care să se potrivească fiecărei înfățișări, de la îmbrățișat la corp la structurat, de la manșete la lanț chain bracelet și manșete.

Important announcement for the parents at Eagles Football Academy

Important announcement for the parents at Eagles Football Academy

Dear parents, As you all know, we are fast approaching the end of a difficult sports and school year, in which the activity of the Eagles Academy and the children’s school year has been affected by the pandemic. But this hasn’t stopped us from training and playing games, when we had this opportunity. The schedule for the next period: JULY 23 – start of the vacation SEPTEMBER 6 – resumption of training, with preparation of the new competitive season In…

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Eagles Football Academy U9 North players finished 3rd in the league

Eagles Football Academy U9 North players finished 3rd in the league

Our Eagles Football Academy U9 North players finished 3rd in the London Premier Youth League, at the end of another entertaining season. Last weekend, the players coached by Mihai Cîrciumaru played a friendly tournament against their friends at Eagles Football Academy U9 East and also against Soccerlution. In the first game, the EFA U9 North team won against the Eastern “eagles”, 2-1, thanks to the goals scored by Edi Voinea and David Bura. In the second match, Eagles came out…

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Well done, Narcis! Our EFA U16-18 player had a great performance

Well done, Narcis! Our EFA U16-18 player had a great performance

Well done, Narcis! Our EFA U16-18 player had a great performance in the London Premier Youth League, altough our team lost the match against Cr8ative Football Academy (2-4). Our squad is surely on the right path and coach Gabriel Dumitru praised his player after the game: “We had a true captain on the pitch, who pulled the team behind him – Narcis Boncan. He’s very good at reading the game and he’s not easily intimidated by his opponents, which shows…

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Check out our match schedule for the weekend ahead!

Check out our match schedule for the weekend ahead!

Make sure you follow us everywhere, for videos, news and photos from Eagles Football Academy Avem meciuri unul și unul! Programul complet După etapa trecută, în care grupele mari de vârstă ne-au încântat cu execuții individuale și faze colective de toată frumusețea, privim cu optimism spre un nou weekend plin de fotbal pentru Eagles Football Academy. Le ținem pumnii antrenorilor și jucătorilor noștri, care poartă cu mândrie emblema EFA. HAI EAGLES! EFA U7 vs. Nation Sports (22.05) EFA U8 vs….

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