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EFA U12 vs. KEKOA 2-4, a match nice to watch

EFA U12 vs. KEKOA 2-4, a match nice to watch

Last weekend we had a tough game at U12 level, where Eagles Football Academy lost against rival Kekoa FC (2-4). Still, it was a match nice to watch: we had plenty of opportunities am we easily created chances in the box. Unfortunately, our lack of inspiration (or luck) lead to the result, because we were not precise with our plays. The coach made a brief description of the game: “We usually score a lot, but the past two matches we…

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How does football work?

How does football work?

Our friend, coach Wael, puts it in a simple perspective: football starts with a message from the brain and ends with a footwork. So it’s wrong to teach players to run more than the opponent. That’s not the essence of the game. Instead, you should train their minds before their muscles. So teach them where and when to go and how to make the best decisions. Quickly and efficient! Find the best action for each play. Arrigo Sacchi, a football…

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6 key aspects that young players should keep in mind

6 key aspects that young players should keep in mind

Our coaches at Eagles Football Academy always talk to children and parents about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and advise the young players to keep a balanced schedule. School is the most important activity for kids, no doubt about it, but when it comes to football, one thing is certain: it’s better to do it RIGHT from the beggining, so you can get the best results! So these are the 6 key aspects that a young football player needs…

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How we miss the beautiful game! Football is all we have in mind

How we miss the beautiful game! Football is all we have in mind

Remember the rush of the matchday? Here you can see some classic images from an U16 match played by Eagles in the Challenge Cup, a few years ago. Better equipped tactically and physically, our team proved to be better, much to the delight of coach Gabriel Dumitru. At half-time, he gave new instructions to his players and that showed quickly in the second half. Eagles scored with a beautiful shot from distance and the young eagles celebrated alongside the fans…

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Welcome back, Mister!

Welcome back, Mister!

We’re happy to have our General Manager from Eagles Football Academy, Gabriel Dumitru, back on the pitch. In the past few weeks, he oversaw the activity of the Academy from distance, because underwent a complicated surgery on his knee. Happily, the procedure was a success and our coach is now back at work, with a huge appetite for football! Welcome back, Mister, we’re glad you’re healthy and that you’re once again with us at the training ground! Bine ai revenit,…

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Fun football drill, using groups of players

Fun football drill, using groups of players

Main objectives: improve speed, control, technique and teamwork. Great entertainment and competitive fun. Exercițiu de antrenament eficient și distractiv, pe grupe de jucători Împarte jucătorii în trei grupuri egale numeric, fiecare având un culoar separat. Câte un jucător stă la capătul fiecărui culoar, cu o minge la picior. Primii jucători din fiecare șir sprintează și la capătul culoarului joacă 10 pase scurte cu coechipierul său. Cei doi jucători fac schimb de poziții. Jucătorul aflat inițial la capătul culoarului sprintează spre…

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