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Learn when to press the opponent during football matches!

Learn when to press the opponent during football matches!

Jurgen Klopp enjoys great succes thanks to his “gegenpressing” concept, which means pressing your opponent immediately after losing possession. But how can you master the favourite trick of the Liverpool manager? Just follow the 5 advices provided by the coaches at Eagles Football Academy! The secret to an efficient transition from offence to defence depends on four key-elements: the reaction time, the ability to create pressure, the movement intensity and the quality of the tackle. Învață când anume este indicat…

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How to receive signals during football matches

How to receive signals during football matches

We continue the special series of online football lessons at Eagles Football Academy. Here you can read a few “golden tips” inspired from the @TheCoachingManual, that can help the players get in front of goal easier and quicker. These are simple, but vital elements for an efficient football game. Cum să primești semnale în timpul meciurilor Continuăm seria lecțiilor de fotbal la Eagles Football Academy, unde pandemia nu poate pune piedică micilor staruri care au început drumul spre marea performanță!…

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EFA U11-12 vs. Lens Academy London 1-2

EFA U11-12 vs. Lens Academy London 1-2

Great performance from Tomasso Sandulianu, the best player from Eagles Football Academy, in the game lost against Lens. It was a surprising defeat for our young eagles, but the EFA U11-12 team remains 4th in the London Premier Youth League standings. We surely need to work more on our defensive play, but our passing and possession game is of good quality. GO EAGLES! EFA U11-12 vs. Lens Academy London 1-2 A fost încă un meci excelent făcut de Tomasso Sanduliano,…

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Matchday 3 from the ELE League is ready to start for the Eagles teams

Matchday 3 from the ELE League is ready to start for the Eagles teams

Etapa a 3-a din ELE LEAGUE este gata de start pentru echipele Eagles Duminică joacă, 13 decembrie, 7 echipe din cadrul Eagles Football Academy, la Ford Sports Club (Aldborough Road South, Newbury Park, Ilford, IG3 8H). Vino și urmărește la joc cei mai mici dintre “vulturi”! HAI EAGLES! EFA U7 Blue vs. Kekoa (ora 13:00) EFA U7 Red vs. Aldersbrook (ora 10:00) EFA U8 vs. London APSA (ora 12:00) EFA U9 Red vs. Elite Pro (ora 10:00) EFA U9 Blue…

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Filip Moscaliuc, MVP for Eagles Football Academy U9 Red!

Filip Moscaliuc, MVP for Eagles Football Academy U9 Red!

Filip Moscaliuc, MVP la Eagles Football Academy U9 Red! Remiza din campionat, cu Elite Pro (0-0), a avut un remarcat special în tabăra “vulturilor”. Antrenorul Sorin Dinu a acordat trofeul pentru cel mai bun jucător al partidei: “Filip Moscaliuc a fost jucatorul meciului prin atitudinea lui și calmul de care a dat dovadă. A ținut compartimentul defensiv sus, fără să lăsăm spații echipei adverse!” Bravo, Filip!

Huge win for EFA U12: 9-1 against Aldersbrook, in the London Premier Youth League

Huge win for EFA U12: 9-1 against Aldersbrook, in the London Premier Youth League

This is how you do it! 9-1 win for Eagles Football Academy U12, against Aldersbrook, in the London Premier Youth League. The best player of the game was hard to choose: Harley Bennett and Ahmed Abdulfadil scored beautiful hattricks for our young team. Well done, everybody! Victorie uriașă pentru EFA U12: 9-1 cu Aldersbrook, în London Premier Youth League Așa, DA! Echipa U12 a lui Eagles Football Academy a reușit cel mai mare scor al etapei, în London Premier Youth…

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