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EFA U16-18 vs. Elite London Academy 5-1

EFA U16-18 vs. Elite London Academy 5-1

EFA U16-18 vs. Elite London Academy 5-1 Marcatori: Ablaykhan (2), Raul Corban, Alex Pașcalău, Adrian Raicu De excepție! Așa putem descrie prestația echipei noastre EFA U16-18, în fața unui adversar extrem de dificil. Băieții de la Eagles au fost la înălțime în fața unei reputate școli de fotbal din Londra – campioana Elite London Academy – pe care au învins-o cu 5-1. De obicei suntem optimiști înaintea etapei, dar de această dată chiar nu ne așteptam la un scor atât…

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EFA U9 Blue vs. Triangoals 0-0. Who says the kids are not tactically astute?

EFA U9 Blue vs. Triangoals 0-0. Who says the kids are not tactically astute?

Who says the kids are not tactically astute? We were very impressed with the effort shown by Sorin Dinu’s players, who registered a well fought league draw, against Triangoals (0-0). It finished nil-nil, altough Eagles had many chances to put the match to bed. In the end, feeling that our resources and drained, the team controlled the posession for a fair stalemate. However, our responsability and defensive quality were praised at the end by our coach. Sorin Dinu: “It was…

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Our EFA U9 team won the game against Nigel James Academy (2-0)

Our EFA U9 team won the game against Nigel James Academy (2-0)

Our EFA U9 team won the game against Nigel James Academy (2-0), making amends for the loss against Soccerlution, from last weekend. It was a liberating feeling for our Eagles goalkeeper, Cristiano Motoc, who’s happiness cand easily be “read” in the picture below. It’s a far cry from last week, when Cristiano, one of the best players of the U9 team, was extremely disssapointed after the result against Soccerlution. For us, it is amazing to see these strong emotions at…

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A lot of goals scored in the weekend matches played by Eagles Football Academy

A lot of goals scored in the weekend matches played by Eagles Football Academy

Last weekend, our teams were once again involved in spectacular matches played in the London Premier Youth League and ELE League. As usual, with pluses and minuses, our young “eagles” learned valuable lessons and put another brick at the base of their footballing career. We’ve seen emphatic wins at the younger groups, like the ones registered by EFA U7 (9-2 vs. CM FA White) and EFA U8 (5-0 vs. Kekoa). However, we also lost the difficult games played at by…

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On the 7th of April, the whole planet is celebrating the World Health Day

On the 7th of April, the whole planet is celebrating the World Health Day

In 2021, this celebration has a special meaning, after a full year since the start of the pandemic and all of the global restrictions we faced. We all realize now how important our health is (and the health of our family), so it is crucial that we make all the effort necessary to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Eagles Football Academy is a daily promotor of sports and our main goal is to maintain and improve the health of…

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Cristiano Motoc was the MVP of the EFA U8-9 team, against Nigel James Academy

Cristiano Motoc was the MVP of the EFA U8-9 team, against Nigel James Academy

Our Eagles Football Academy U8-9 Man Of The Match is…Cristiano Motoc – the guardian angel between the posts! Well done, Cristiano, we’re proud of your performance! Cristiano Motoc, omul meciului pentru echipa Eagles U8-9, contra lui Nigel James Academy Se spune că fiecare echipă de fotbal are îngerul ei păzitor în poartă. Al nostru este Cristiano Motoc (EFA U8-9), unul dintre cei mai buni portari din London Premier Youth League! Din nou, Cristiano a fost la înălțime în weekend, cu…

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