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Eagles Football Academy is recruiting coaches for the northern base

Eagles Football Academy is recruiting coaches for the northern base

It’s time to step in the world of professional football! Eagles Football Academy is recruiting COACHES for the 5-6 y.o. and 7-8 y.o. groups. We train at the Burnt Oak Leisure Centre, HA80NP, in Northern London. Our purpose for the future is to register as many teams as possible in the official London junior competitions, the Premier Youth League Showcase and the ELE League. How can you join us? Simply call us at 07727 44515 and arrange a meeting with…

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Happy anniversary to all the Romanians, on behalf of Eagles Football Academy!

Happy anniversary to all the Romanians, on behalf of Eagles Football Academy!

Eagles Football Academy urează “La Mulți Ani!” românilor de pretutindeni Români frumoși, țară minunată, La Mulți Ani! Cu ocazia Zilei Naționale a Unirii, Eagles Football Academy urează românilor de pretutindeni multă sănătate, bucurie și succese pe toate planurile. Suntem uniți sub “tricolor” și cu toții împărtășim dragostea pentru pământul pe care ne-am născut și unde am crescut, alături de cei dragi nouă. Este locul care ne-a făcut OAMENI și de aceea, în această zi de sărbătoare, Academia noastră strigă cu…

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Eagles Football Academy U16, the first Challenge Cup Final. GO EAGLES!

Eagles Football Academy U16, the first Challenge Cup Final. GO EAGLES!

On Sunday April 28th, Eagles Football Academy’s U16 team plays the Challenge Cup final. On the Easter day, come to support the young footballers, to the most important match of their career so far! The game will take place at North Greenford United FC, Berkeley Fields, Berkeley Avenue, Greenford, UB6 0NX. Kick off 12.15 GO EAGLES! Eagles Football Academy U16, prima finală Challenge Cup. HAI, EAGLES! Echipa U16 a Eagles Football Academy joacă duminică, 28 aprilie, finala Challenge Cup. De…

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