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Join us for the 2021/2022 football season at Eagles Football Academy!

Join us for the 2021/2022 football season at Eagles Football Academy!

Do you want to promote your local business? Or you know somebody interested? It’s time for us to meet! Depending on the type of sponsorship, Eagles Football Academy can offer generous exposure, both digital and offline. We can offer: Social Media advertising, on Facebook, Instagram and our Website Enhancement of your business popularity amongst our parents Your logo on our leaflets Your logo on our sporting equipment, both for official matches and training Advertisment Banner shown at our training bases,…

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The most anticipated moment of the year is here: Christmas party at Eagles!

The most anticipated moment of the year is here: Christmas party at Eagles!

A sosit cel mai așteptat moment al anului la Eagles Football Academy! Cu mare bucurie în suflete vă anunțăm că petrecerea noastră de Crăciun va avea loc pe data de 19 decembrie, la Bridgestone Arena din Londra. La fel ca și în anii trecuți, cei mici vor sărbători alături de colegi și de antrenori. În anii precedenți, la festivitatea Eagles au fost prezenți foști mari internaționali români și susținători ai Academiei, precum Gheorghe Popescu (2017), Helmuth Duckadam (2018) și Tibor…

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