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Big improvement for the small groups at Eagles Football Academy

Big improvement for the small groups at Eagles Football Academy

EFA U8 – Aldersbrook 2-4 MVP: Hamza Michael Coach Daniel Walsh: “I couldn’t have asked for more from the boys! They played exactly how they’ve been training. The development they have made from when I started to now is remarkable. We could of won the game by 5 or 6 goals! We had so many chances that hit the post or that the goalkeeper saved…But, overall, it was a very good performance and I was very satisfied from what I…

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Sorin Dinu, about our MVP, Bogdan Mihai: “He showed us a lot of confidence”

Sorin Dinu, about our MVP, Bogdan Mihai: “He showed us a lot of confidence”

Bogdan Mihai, we’re proud of you! He was the M.V.P of our Eagles U9 Blue team, in the victory against London A.S.P.A (5-3). Well done, champ! Sorin Dinu, despre MVP-ul Bogdan Mihai: “A arătat că are încredere în el!” Bogdan Mihai, suntem mândri de tine! Cel mai bun jucător al echipei Eagles U9 Blue a fost greu de ales, dar antrenorul Sorin Dinu a explicat ce anume a “înclinat” balanța decisiv: “Îmi este foarte greu să nominalizez jucătorul meciului, azi…

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Harley Bennett scored a hat-trick for EFA U12, against Aldersbrook (9-1)

Harley Bennett scored a hat-trick for EFA U12, against Aldersbrook (9-1)

Congratulations! Harley Bennett scored a hat-trick for Eagles Football Academy U12, in the match won against Aldersbrook (9-1). Ahmed Abdulfadil scored three goals as well, but Bennett was the happy winner of the Man Of The Match trophy. Surely the two stars will celebrate the result togeher! Well done, boys, we’re very proud of the team and your performances! Harley Bennett a reușit un hat-trick pentru EFA U12, în victoria cu Aldersbrook (9-1) Felicitări! Harley Bennett a reușit un hat-trick…

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