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EFA U9 Blue – Barkingside 4-0, in the ELE League

EFA U9 Blue – Barkingside 4-0, in the ELE League

EFA U9 Blue – Barkingside 4-0, in cadrul ELE League Începem săptămâna cu o veste excelentă! În weekend, echipa EFA U9 Blue a înregistrat o victorie convingătoare în cadrul ELE League, scor 4-0 în fața lui Barkingside. Am văzut un joc entuziasmant din partea elevilor lui Sorin Dinu, care au arătat o poftă uriașă de fotbal, după o pauză lungă a competiției. Deși micii “vulturi” au marcat de 4 ori, defensiva lui Eagles Football Academy e cea care a impresionat,…

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Our EFA U16-18 team won the game against Goztepe London, 2-0

Our EFA U16-18 team won the game against Goztepe London, 2-0

Our EFA U16-18 team won the league game against Goztepe London (2-0), thanks to the goals scored by Narcis Boncan and Ablaikhan Serikbayev. It was a dominant performance from our young “eagles”! Coach Gabriel Dumitru spoke about the game at the end: “We saw a few great individual performances and the team showed an overall confident attitude”. After this result, our Eagles Football Academy U16-18 team climbed up to the 5th position in the London Premier Youth League standings. On…

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EFA U9 North – Soccerlution 3-4! Fantastic game in the Mini London Premier Youth League

EFA U9 North – Soccerlution 3-4! Fantastic game in the Mini London Premier Youth League

It was a great game, but the results was not the one expected. We can’t win them all, that’s for sure, but the little “eagles” surely deserved the win. The MOM was once again Tony Iosif. It was a good performance for our kids, who led 3-2 and could have made it 4-2, if a penalty would have been awarded by the ref. EFA U9 NORTH – SOCCERLUTION 3-4 Goals: Marcu, Caluian, Jogona Coach Mihai Cîrciumaru: “We made a few…

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The season is officially restarting in the ELE League

The season is officially restarting in the ELE League

Începem meciurile oficiale și în ELE League, la grupele mici de vârstă Începem meciurile oficiale și în ELE League, la grupele mici de vârstă din cadrul Eagles Football Academy. Antrenorii și jucătorii noștri sunt 100% pregătiți pentru competiție și sperăm să vedem prestații energice din partea echipelor noastre Avem parte și de un derby în Academie, între EFA U7 Blue și EFA U7 Red. Un singur sfat avem pentru micii “vulturi”: ieșiți pe teren și bucurați-vă de fotbal! Este cea…

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Ovidiu Magdici, MVP! EFA U15-16 vs. FC United 3-5

Ovidiu Magdici, MVP! EFA U15-16 vs. FC United 3-5

Eagles goalscorers: Adrian Raicu, Denis Huluba, Ovidiu Magici “EFA Best Player” Award: Ovidiu Magdici It was a tough match against the team that’s 4th in the London Premier Youth League standings. Coach Gabriel Dumitru said, after the game: “It was a good game, technically and tactically. We had a great first half, with many well constructed attacking plays and finishing shots. It was 2-2 at half-time, but unfortunately we lost because of two refereeing decisions. I encoureged the players to…

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Saved the best for last! We won both games played by the EFA U9 team

Saved the best for last! We won both games played by the EFA U9 team

Saved the best for last! We won both games played by the EFA U9 team in the previous matchday of the London Premier Youth League. The star of the weekend was once again Norbert Stănescu, who managed to score in both games. Obviously, coach Mihai Cîrciumaru was pleased with the performances and he congratulated his young players for the results. Well done! Două victorii în două meciuri pentru echipa U9 de la Eagles Football Academy Am păstrat ce e mai…

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