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Celebrating Our Year-End Milestones and Honoring Helmut Duckadam (6 December 2024)

Celebrating Our Year-End Milestones and Honoring Helmut Duckadam (6 December 2024)

Our year-end party on Friday, December 6th was a memorable evening filled with joy, warmth, and meaningful moments. Surrounded by grandparents, parents, and our young Eagles, we celebrated unity, success, and the indomitable spirit that defines Eagles Football Academy. It was truly a night to remember.

Eagles Football Academy had the honor of receiving a visit from Radu Drăgușin, the Romanian defender of Tottenham Hotspur and the Romanian National Team

Eagles Football Academy had the honor of receiving a visit from Radu Drăgușin, the Romanian defender of Tottenham Hotspur and the Romanian National Team

Drăgușin inspired children at the Eagles Football Academy by sharing his journey from Romania to the Premier League, emphasizing hard work, sacrifice, and passion for football. He recounted experiences with Cristiano Ronaldo, offered advice, and interacted with the kids. Coach Gabi Dumitru highlighted Drăgușin’s impact, motivating young athletes to follow their dreams.

A letter from Kylian Mbappe, for the younger generation of football players

A letter from Kylian Mbappe, for the younger generation of football players

Scrisoarea lui Kylian Mbappe pentru noua generație de tineri fotbaliști Exact ce trebuie să citești după un antrenament lung: scrisoarea lui Kylian Mbappe, către toți puștii care visează să devină staruri în fotbalul profesionist! “Către toți puștii din Bondy, Către puștii din Île-de-France, Către puștii din suburbii, Vreau să vă spun o poveste. Cred că nu vă vă surprinde să aflați că este despre fotbal. Când vine vorba despre mine, totul este despre fotbal. Puteți să-l întrebați pe tatăl meu….

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Happy birthday, Helmuth Duckadam!

Happy birthday, Helmuth Duckadam!

La mulți ani, Helmuth Duckadam! Fără intervențiile sale, România nu ar fi avut astăzi în palmares o Cupă a Campionilor Europeni Fără inspirația lui, legenda numită “Steaua 1986” ar fi rămas doar amintirea unui eșec amar Fără uriașul din Semlac, Europa nu ar fi știut ce școală de fotbal fantastică aveam înainte de ’90! LA MULȚI ANI, HELMUTH DUCKADAM! Un prieten apropiat al Eagles Football Academy, fostul mare portar al Stelei aniversează o vârstă deosebită astăzi, alături de familie. Nu…

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Santa visited the Eagles Football Academy and gave presents to the players!

Santa visited the Eagles Football Academy and gave presents to the players!

Moș Crăciun a vizitat Academia Eagles! Jucătorii au primit cadouri la final de an Ca în fiecare an, Moș Crăciun a vizitat cu marea bucurie toți copiii de la Eagles Football Academy! În cadrul unui eveniment special, cu momente distractive, micuții “vulturi” au primit cadouri și au fost felicitați de antrenorii lor pentru munca depusă în acest sezon. Sperăm să avem parte de un 2021 și mai bun, dar, până atunci, cei mici se pot bucura de surprizele primite din…

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Ex-Romanian Team player, Tibor Selymes, special guest at Eagles Football Academy: “I was excited to see 130 Romanian children who sang the Romanian Anthem”

Ex-Romanian Team player, Tibor Selymes, special guest at Eagles Football Academy: “I was excited to see 130 Romanian children who sang the Romanian Anthem”

The Romanian international Tibor Selymes, former member of the national football team of Romania, was invited to the Eagles Football Academy at the end of the year celebration and at the awarding of the Eagles Football Academy awards for 2019. This year, Eagles Football Academy has awarded one player from each age group. Also, was awarded the team with the best results of 2019, but also the coach of the year. The best player of the year 2019 were designated…

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